Monday, October 10, 2011

4 Secrets to Healthy Looking Skin (Shhh - tell only your best friend)

1.  Which way do you sleep - on your stomach or on your back.  The best way is to sleep on your back, preferably with your head elevated.  This reduces the puffiness most of us see in the mirror each morning.  You might want to invest in a form-fitting pillow that will help keep your head upright.
2.  Please don't smoke.  The heat and smoke of the cigarette itself will constrict your blood vessels and cause wrinkles.  Overuse of the muscles used to draw in the smoke can cause just as many wrinkles and smoking as you surely know is a risk factor for lung cancer.
3.  Don't use alsohol-containing products on your face.  Products containing alcohol tend to dry out the skin, even oily skin.
4.  Don't wash your face more than twice a day, unless you exercise.  In that case, be sure to wash away any sweat that could be drying to your face as it evaporates.  Please consider a non-soap skin cleanser.

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