Saturday, December 15, 2012

Homemade Recipes for Great Skin at Home

Recipes/Instructions for Healthy Skin care at home
In between your professional skincare treatments, here are some tips on how you can maintain your youthful appearance, keep your skin hydrated and acne free.
Giving yourself a facial is a rejuvenating experience that you will want to have weekly, so schedule some time in each week to spend on just yourself and your beauty regiment, including time for a facial. There are ways of giving yourself a facial that are better than others, so follow our steps here and give yourself some great face time!


1. Take off jewelry, including earrings. Some of the chemicals in natural substances do not blend well with metals, so you are better safe than sorry.

2. Clear your hair off of your face with a headband or scarf. In college we use to cut the bottoms of old t-shirts, twist to double them and voila! Instant headband you don't mind getting dirty with facial muck.

3. Wash your face so that there is no makeup left behind.

4. Follow the instructions to the tee… timing is often everything with facial masks, so set a timer.

5. Enjoy the time, sit back and relax.

Here we go, recipe numero uno and don’t worry if you make a mess the first time.  Bye the way, it’s good enough to eatJ

Homemade Recipe:
1.     Acne Facial mask:
Puree in a blender or food processor 1 chopped, ripe tomato, 1 teaspoon lemon juice, and 1 tablespoon of instant oatmeal or rolled oats. If mixture seems too runny, add more oats. Apply to skin for 10 minutes and rinse with warm water.



  1. Could you tell me what's in tomatoes, lemons, and oatmeal that's good for the skin. I'd rather eat my oatmeal, especially if it's in cookie form. LOL.

    I like the instant headband idea, gotta try that too!

  2. It's the acidic properties in both the lemons an tomatoes that reduce oil production an great for acne. Oats then provide the underlying hydration. Love your interest an questions. Miz C.
