Monday, June 17, 2013

Health Tip: 7 Ways to Lower Cancer Risk

Please share this information with everyone you know 
Well, there’s nothing magic about cancer prevention, no “killer app” that can instantly keep you healthy. Genetics play a big role in cancer, so even if you try to live a perfectly healthy life, it’s possible that you may develop cancer.
But experts estimate that at least a third of all adult cancer cases are linked to lifestyle, which is within your control.
With every healthy choice you make -- and every unhealthy habit you drop -- you’re chipping away at your cancer risk. Here are seven of the healthiest habits you can develop to help prevent cancer.
1. Be Smoke Free:  Lung cancer kills more women and men in the U.S. than any other cancer -- 28% of all cancer deaths, or about 160,000 people every year. The vast majority of those deaths are due to smoking. Smoking has also been linked to more than a dozen other cancers and accounts for 30% of all cancer deaths overall.
2. Don't Weight ( this is a play on words):  Many people probably know that carrying too much weight around isn’t good for your heart, but did you know that it’s a major risk factor for cancer as well? Obesity is the culprit behind some 14% of cancer deaths, and more than 3% of new cancer cases, every year.
3. Bust a Move:  All forms of physical activity help to prevent many forms of cancer, according to the AICR Expert Report. You may not get six-pack abs with 30 minutes of moderate exercise every day, but a number of studies have found evidence that just this much physical activity can cut your risk of many common cancers by 30% to 50%.  It doesn't matter what you do, just do it.
4. Plant Your Plate: There are a number of different foods that may help to prevent certain types of cancer. Fruits, vegetables, beans, and whole grains should cover two-thirds of your plate; the other one-third should contain lean meats, fish, and low-fat dairy.
5. Drop the Drink:  American Cancer Society recommend that women limit alcohol consumption to no more than one drink per day, and men no more than two.
6. Shake Off Stress:  Find healthy ways of coping with stress, like exercise (which helps to reduce cancer risk), meditation, and journaling.
7. Dig Your Roots:  Family history is a great indicator of possibilities and strategies for cutting cancer risk. 
Great health is not a right or a privilege, it's a job.
References from WebMD June 2013
Peace, healing and hydration,

Sunday, April 7, 2013

Sensitive Red Cheeks or Rosacea

Did you ever wonder why your cheeks are always red like you are blushing intently all the time? Maybe you should really check out whether it’s more than just red rosy cheeks. It could be a skin dis-order called Rosacea.
Rosacea is a skin disease that causes redness and pimples on your nose, cheeks, chin, and forehead. The redness may come and go. People sometimes call rosacea "adult acne" because it can cause outbreaks that look like acne. In some cases, depending on severity, it can also cause burning and soreness in the eyes and eyelids. Rosacea can be embarrassing. And if it is untreated, it can get worse.
Some common symptoms of Rosacea?
Flushing and facial redness that may be intermittent and then become more persistent
Stinging or burning sensations -- similar to mild sunburn -- that may be more noticeable when smiling, frowning, or squinting. Application of cleansers, cosmetics, or moisturizers should be recommended by skin therapist or physician.
If you have rosacea, there are many ways to keep the condition under control. Though rosacea can't be cured, treatment can help you control symptoms and prevent them from getting worse. Some things you can do on your own, like avoiding triggers.
Foods and drinks that cause rosacea:
Alcohol, Spicy Food, Hot drinks, Hot foods
Activities that cause rosacea:
Exercise or heavy exertion, hot baths or saunas
Weather conditions that cause rosacea:
Hot weather, Cold weather, Humid weather, Wind, Sunlight
Emotions that cause rosacea:
Stress or anxiety, sudden change in emotion, like feeling embarrassed or bursting out in laughter
Medical conditions that cause rosacea:
Menopause, Chronic cough, Caffeine withdrawal syndrome
Medications such as topical steroids, some blood pressure drugs, and some opiate painkillers
Questions regarding that bright red rosy cheek, check with your skin therapist professional or certainly your physician. Information above referenced from Web M.D.

Sunday, March 3, 2013

Frequently asked questions about ACNE

What causes Acne:
Acne occurs when excess oil, called sebum, and skin cells clog the pores. Normal skin bacteria can grow in the plugged pores and produce substances that lead to inflammation. Acne is not a sign of poor hygiene. In fact, excessive washing and scrubbing can irritate your skin and make acne worse. And there is no evidence that foods such as french fries, chocolate, or pizza cause breakouts. If your acne is being treated properly, what you eat shouldn't affect your skin.
2. Who is most prone to adult acne?
Anyone can develop adult acne, even if you never had acne as a teenager. But it is most common in women. Like hormonal swings in teens, fluctuating hormones during a woman's menstrual cycle, pregnancy, and even menopause can cause acne to flare. Discontinuing birth control pills, taking certain prescription drugs, a family history of acne, stress, and some skin and hair products may also make women more susceptible.
3. Acne can be a sign of an underlying condition.
Sometimes, breakouts on the skin can be a sign of a more serious condition underneath. For example, if you have acne along with excess facial hair, thinning hair or bald spots on the scalp, or irregular periods, it could be a sign of polycystic ovary syndrome, an adrenal gland disorder, or a hormone-secreting tumor. Until the medical condition is treated, your acne may not clear up.
4. People of color may develop dark spots on the skin where blemishes were:
Blemishes that leave behind dark spots, called "post-inflammatory hyperpigmentation," are common in people of color. They are a natural reaction to inflammation and usually diminish over time. But many people who get them feel that they are as unattractive as blemishes. Early treatment from a skin therapist can help you avoid these spots and scarring if you have dark skin.
5. Some daily self-care strategies listed below to help prevent acne and flare-ups:
a. Gentle washing, not scrubbing, with a mild cleanser
b. Using an oil-free sunblock
c. Not squeezing or picking at pimples
d. Using non-comedogenic skin care products
See me, your skin care therapist, for regular treatments and product recommendations, health and beauty coaching and education, videos and recipes for home care.
Information referenced from Web MD.
To aid in your self empowerment journey to clear skin, click on the link below to the compact affirmation mirror as you remind yourself daily and follow your positive affirmation regimen to healthy calm skin.
Peace, healing and hydration,

Wednesday, January 16, 2013

How to Pamper Your Skin

Charlotte Dorsey

"I want my skin to look like yours" and "I want the glow that you have." I hear this all the time so I thought it important to share tips on How to Pamper Your Skin and this is really key if you are experiencing any dryness. At one point in my seasoned adult life, I was looking for these very sound tips that can help to bring my skin back to normal.

We've had many changes in the weather lately which certainly affect your skin. The commandments of skincare below are educational and informative and serve as a guide to youthful looking skin and retaining moisture which lessens the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles.

As you read the commandments, take a look at my image above and make a plan for yourself to incorporate these steps in your skincare routine.

Always Wash Your Face Before Bed

No matter how dry your skin, gentle cleansing at night is essential. Makeup, sunscreen, bacteria, dead skin cells, dirt, and oil build up on your face during the day. They can work their way into your pores, causing inflammation. Wash gently without scrubbing to avoid irritating your skin.
Cleanser: Soap or Non-Soap?
Harsh detergents in soap can strip away the natural moisturizing oils in your skin. This can cause dryness, irritation, and inflammation. Soap-free cleansers work on your skin the same way as soap, but they're made of milder ingredients that don't deplete skin's oils.

What to Look for in a Face Cleanser

When you have dry skin, consider a gentle cleanser with added moisturizers (normally milky cleansers are better for dry skin than gel cleansers). Your skin should feel soft and smooth after cleansing. If the cleanser makes your skin feel too dry, tight, or irritated, try a different one. Check with your licensed skin therapist for recommendations on the appropriate cleansers based on the needs of your skin.

What to Avoid in a Face Cleanser

In addition to steering clear of harsh soaps, look for a cleanser that is free of fragrance, chemicals, or alcohol. Avoid antibacterial soaps, which are drying. Ask your doctor/skin therapist whether you should use or avoid cleansers with exfoliants such as glycolic acid. Some exfoliating cleansers may irritate dry skin.

Water and Dry Skin

Showers and baths add moisture to your skin, but they can also dry it out by removing the skin's natural oils. Hot water washes away oil faster than warm water. So use warm water when you cleanse your face and limit yourself to one short (under 10 minutes) warm shower or bath a day. Close the bathroom door while you bathe to keep the room humid. Now this one was a little hard for me initially to change because we are all used to taking a really hot shower.

Dampen Your Hands and Face

As simple as this sounds, most people do not even think about this. Because you're cleansing with your hands, wash them first. Then dampen your face and hands with tepid (warm) water. Don't concern yourself with using enough water to work up a good lather. Mild cleansers may not lather much. Remember, your goal is to have skin that's smooth and supple, not "squeaky clean."

Use a Light Touch for Cleansing

More is not better when it comes to washing dry skin. Squeeze from a dime size to a quarter-size dollop of cleanser (depending on the concentration) into your palm and apply it evenly to your face. Then gently massage it into your skin with your fingertips, using circular motions and moving upward. Be especially gentle around your eyes. Remember not to scrub -- even with your fingers.

Pat, Don’t Rub, Your Face Dry

Don't ruin the perfect face cleansing by rubbing your skin dry. Rubbing can cause abrasion to your skin, which can lead to irritation and inflammation. Instead, rinse your face with tepid water, then pat it with a clean, dry cotton towel or washcloth. Don't dry it all the way -- the idea is to leave some moisture for your moisturizer to lock in and hold onto.

Go Easy on Exfoliation

Exfoliation removes dead skin cells, allowing moisturizers to better penetrate your skin. But abrasive scrubs can damage dry skin, so exfoliate no more than once a week. Skip fruit scrubs, which can be harsh. Instead, try a scrub with synthetic beads. These particles are more uniform in shape and can be less damaging to skin. Exfoliating should never hurt. If it does, stop or try a gentler product.

Moisturize, Moisturize, Moisturize

Moisturizers don't actually add moisture to the skin. They seal in existing water so it doesn't evaporate. Use the 3-minute rule: Apply moisturizer within 3 minutes of your cleansing. If you feel the need to apply moisturizer again during the day, it's not necessary to rinse or cleanse first. However, finding the right moisturizer for you skin will eliminate the need to re-apply multiple times.

What to Avoid in a Moisturizer

You may want to avoid moisturizers that contain fragrances. And some ingredients, such as retinols, may be irritating to sensitive, dry skin. Test a facial moisturizer by first rubbing a tiny amount on your forearm for a few days. If it stings, burns, itches, or feels dry, don't use it.

References from WebMD, Jan. 2013

Thursday, January 10, 2013

A New Year's Recovery For Healthy Skin

Here are some basic tips for skin recovery for the New Year. 

1.  Since alcohol is so dehydrating to the body and makes the skin more sensitized, you should make sure you carry a calming mist ( i.e. Rosewater is great) in your bag. This will not only add much needed hydration to the skin’s surface but it will also calm and reduce the redness. It can be easily spritzed over make-up.

2.  When nights out become mornings after and your skin looks dry and dull, treat it to an overnight, oil-based serum ( you know how I always preach to choir about the need to use a good serum which contains anti-oxidants to fight free radicals) to replenish lost lipids and moisture and rebuild collagen. Apply in the evening and let the essential oils work with the body’s own circadian rhythms to leave your skin silky soft and luminous.     

3.  How to handle the tell-tale dark circles around the eyes? In Chinese medicine, shadows under your eyes are indicative of stress on the kidneys and liver (which makes sense after lots of parties and late nights). You can’t instantly get rid of dark circles, but helping the body detox, rest and revitalize through good nutrition and exercise will all help greatly. For a temporary quick fix, use products that contain anti-inflammatories and optical light diffusers, which are often combined in a light concealer make-up base and act as a multitude of ‘microscopic mirrors’ that deflect the light and decrease shadow lines.

References:  International Dermal Institute.