Acne occurs when excess oil, called sebum, and skin cells clog the pores. Normal skin bacteria can grow in the plugged pores and produce substances that lead to inflammation. Acne is not a sign of poor hygiene. In fact, excessive washing and scrubbing can irritate your skin and make acne worse. And there is no evidence that foods such as french fries, chocolate, or pizza cause breakouts. If your acne is being treated properly, what you eat shouldn't affect your skin.
2. Who is most prone to adult acne?
Anyone can develop adult acne, even if you never had acne as a teenager. But it is most common in women. Like hormonal swings in teens, fluctuating hormones during a woman's menstrual cycle, pregnancy, and even menopause can cause acne to flare. Discontinuing birth control pills, taking certain prescription drugs, a family history of acne, stress, and some skin and hair products may also make women more susceptible.
Sometimes, breakouts on the skin can be a sign of a more serious condition underneath. For example, if you have acne along with excess facial hair, thinning hair or bald spots on the scalp, or irregular periods, it could be a sign of polycystic ovary syndrome, an adrenal gland disorder, or a hormone-secreting tumor. Until the medical condition is treated, your acne may not clear up.
4. People of color may develop dark spots on the skin where blemishes were:
Blemishes that leave behind dark spots, called "post-inflammatory hyperpigmentation," are common in people of color. They are a natural reaction to inflammation and usually diminish over time. But many people who get them feel that they are as unattractive as blemishes. Early treatment from a skin therapist can help you avoid these spots and scarring if you have dark skin.
5. Some daily self-care strategies listed below to help prevent acne and flare-ups:
a. Gentle washing, not scrubbing, with a mild cleanser
b. Using an oil-free sunblock
c. Not squeezing or picking at pimples
d. Using non-comedogenic skin care products
See me, your skin care therapist, for regular treatments and product recommendations, health and beauty coaching and education, videos and recipes for home care.
Information referenced from Web MD.
To aid in your self empowerment journey to clear skin, click on the link below to the compact affirmation mirror as you remind yourself daily and follow your positive affirmation regimen to healthy calm skin.
Peace, healing and hydration,